
Eastender funeral



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There are a range of great support organisations that you may wish to view if you are recently bereaved. The bereavement resources and support that we provide range from backing up photos and videos saved on the deceased’s social media accounts, mobile phones, computers etc to displaying photos on a TV at a funeral and sending out funeral invitations by email.


Digital grief


The way in which we remember and grieve the our loved ones has changed forever. Over the last 15 years the world, life and death has become digitised. 10 years ago we stored photos in photo albums. Now photos are saved, shared and fragmented across hard drives and an array of devices (mobile phones, tablets etc). You may be interested in reading the following tutorials:



To view a list of all our digital legacy and digital end of life tutorials click here.


death certificate 500 pc JPEGWhat to do when someone dies



Arranging a funeral


Charles Cowling from the Good Funeral Guide has very kindly written an overview about how to arrange a funeral and the various options you may wish to consider when helping to forge a personalised send off. To read it in full click here 

You may also find the PDF downloads by Age UK below of use if you are looking for support that does not relate to digital and online.


  • Age UK's bereavement guide (UK)
  • What to do when someone dies (UK Government resource)
  • What to do when someone dies (USA  please visit the website for the State in which you reside)
  • Support charities and organisations UK Resources
  • Support charities and organizations USA Resources
  • DeadSocial's overview on the changing face of funerals and a range of 'digital funeral tutorials' can be read here


Helping someone who is recently bereaved

World trade 

  • Dying Matters 'being there' guide for helping the bereaved (UK guide
  • Help Guide's dealing with loss and grief (USA Guide)


Helping a child or young adult who is recently bereaved


"92% of school pupils will experience a significant bereavement before the age of 16"


Below are two of the main resources to help bereaved children in both the UK and the USA



The Power of Empathy


What is the best way to ease someone’s pain and suffering? How can you really be there for another person?  In this beautifully animated RSA Short, Dr Brené Brown reminds us that we can only create a genuine empathic connection if we are brave enough to get in touch with our own fragilities.


To visit our directory of resources and tutorials click here.

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