


The actions we take, the way we behave and the choices we make in life help to shape the legacy we leave behind in death. These actions are increasingly being carried out and overtly spoken about online. By thinking about our digital legacy and planning for our inevitable departure we are able to highlight certain personally traits and our tell stories for those left behind. - James Norris, CEO DeadSocial


Digital Legacy checklist


Below is a basic checklist of things to consider when evaluating your online footprint. By evaluating the points below we hope that it will evoke thought and lead to a proactive outcome.

80s hip hop


  • Search for (your name) in Google and see what appears (in search, image search and video search). If there is information or media (such as photos and videos) that you do not want to be remembered for consider removing them.
  • Make sure that you have given directions about what you would like to happen to your online accounts and profiles in your will.
  • Review using our free Digital legacy builder to say your final "goodbye" messages to your friends and family members online
  • Tell someone what you would like to happen with your electronic devices, digital content and social media content when you die
  • Download and backup your media saved on third party sites
  • If you have a website or blog that you would like to remain live once you have died make sufficient plans, technical resource and budget for this to occur.
  • Understand the terms & conditions of the services you use online. Our guides may help
  • Consider passing on your passwords for your computer, mobile phone, tablet, social media and online accounts


Right to be forgotten


European citizens have the granted the 'Right to be forgotten' online. This law was passed by the European Commission and requires online information (service) providers and search engines (like Google) to remove content when it is deemed to break privacy laws attributed to EU citizens. Further information about this ruling and subsequent case studies since the motion was passed can be viewed here.

Your footprint

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